"Famous Tourists here to-day."
"Though many of the rugby players who are now on the high seas bound for "down under" would otherwise have been with the Barbarians on this Easter tour, the team we welcome to-day is well up to the high standard of other years and includes many players who have won fame on the Rugby field."
"The Baa-Baas "and the way they have" are famed wherever Rugby is played; they are the most famous purely touring team of any sport now played, and memory of many a stirring struggle and many a famous player urges a right royal welcome to Newport to-day."
"There have been periods when Newport have been able to take the field against the Barbarbians confident of a fairly easy victory - from 1905 till 1925, Newport never once failed to run into double figures - but that feeling is certainly not present now. Twice in the last four years have the Barbarians won here - in 1926 by 1 p.g., 1 try, 6 pts. to 1 goal, 5 pts., and last April by 1 d.g., 4 pts. to 1 p.g., 3 pts."
"Still in the series of games since the Clubs first met in 1893, Newport have been consistently successful, and of 28 matches have won 25 and lost only three, scoring 427 pts. to 94."
"Are our Supporters aware of the facilities offered by the Newport Athletic Club for yearly membership."
"For two guineas (£2/2/0) per annum (May 1st to April 30th inclusive), you have admittance to Athletic Sports (Easter and August Mondays), Cricket Matches, Club Football Matches (a seat in Grand Stand) and Gymnastic Classes. A Lady's ticket is also given which includes admittance for lady to all Cricket and Football Matches."
"Compared with any English or Welsh Club the above facilities are the best offered to sportsmen."
"Full information can be obtained from the Newport Athletic Club Offices, or the Hon. Secretary of the Rugby Supporters, Mr. Reg. Webb at any home match."
"Think it over Supporters, and decide to join the finest Club in the Country."