1894-95, again under captain Arthur Gould saw only 1 defeat and that by a goal kick at Llanelly. Newport visited the 'Tinplaters' who at the time were a great side with outstanding centre Owen Badger on 13th October 1893. Both sides scored two tries but one of Newport's went unconverted and Newport lost 6 v 8.
Newport then remained unbeaten until the end of the season. Tom Cooper had joined Bradford but W. G. James, Crickhowell filled the gap. Newport also had W. Llewellyn Thomas, Oxford University. Bert Gould was in the West Indies and Charlie Thomas and Arthur Boucher played in the centre as did W. G. James. Gus Gould, younger brother of Arthur showed great promise. This was Percy Phillips's last season and Tom Graham, released from captaincy duties played some of his best rugby for Newport and Wales. Joe Jenkins and W. Parsons were prominent at forward and Newport owed much to the forwards this season. Jim Hannan retired from top rugby and so Newport lost the best captain Graham and also the best ever all-round forward Hannan.
W. Groves (24), T. Newcombe (22), Bert Dauncey (22), Arthur Gould (21), Tom Pook (20) and Harry Packer (21) led the appearances while Arthur Gould headed the scorers with 15t and 1dg followed by Arthur Boucher with 12t, 1p and 1gfm.
An interesting article appeared in The Graphic of 29th December 1894 in the 'Sports and Pastimes' column by "Vanderdecken" entitled 'Why is Newport Welsh?'(see image above).